
Meat processing qualifications open for feedback

Hanga-Aro-Rau is looking for industry professionals in the meat processing sectors to share their expertise and knowledge by providing feedback on several reviewed qualifications.

We have done a comprehensive review of the following qualifications and unit standards:

  • New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Animal Product Examination) (Level 3) with strands in Poultry Ante-Mortem, Rabbit Ante-Mortem, Rabbit Post-Mortem, Petfood Post-Mortem, and Poultry Post-Mortem (with optional strand in Petfood Ante-Mortem)
  • New Zealand Certificate in Meat Processing (Animal Product Examination) (Level 4) with optional strand in Ante-Mortem
  • New Zealand Certificate Meat Processing (Animal Product Examination) (Level 5) with strands in Nominated Person Inspector-in-Charge, and Rover Inspector.

Our team has engaged with industry representatives and training providers to ensure these qualifications are fit for purpose for industry, meet current legislation requirements, and streamline the amount of content that is already covered through existing food safety programmes.

The above qualifications meet the competency standards set by Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and have been approved by MPI. The result of these reviewed qualifications will save the industry time and money and have focused training that better reflects legislation post-regulatory redesign.

We understand that these enhanced competencies in meat processing are vital for maintaining the integrity of the food system for both domestic sales and export purposes.

We’d love to hear from you; if you’d like to learn more about our proposed changes or provide feedback, click here to take part in our survey.

Hanga-Aro-Rau welcomes all responses to the survey by Friday 30 June 2023.

Additionally, we are committed to producing qualifications that suit industry needs; we have proposed the development of a level 5 micro-credential to replace the existing level 5 qualification. We are collaborating closely with MPI and New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) to ensure that this transition does not impact the overseas market access requirements. We will provide a separate survey dedicated to this proposed level 5 micro-credential in the near future.

Your opinion matters to us! If you have any feedback regarding the reviewed qualifications, we encourage you to share them with us. Your valuable input will play a crucial role in ensuring that our industry’s needs are met both now and in the future.