
Ports and Maritime Transport NIAG


As an island nation, Aotearoa is heavily dependent on the movement of domestic and imported cargo around our numerous ports every day. Our major ports of Auckland, Tauranga, Napier, Wellington and Lyttleton pump hundreds of millions of dollars through the economy daily, as well as providing employment up and down the country. Ensuring that our ports run smoothly is critical to the efficient and prosperous running of the country, which is why maintaining a skilled ports workforce is so important.

The Ports and Maritime Transport NIAG is made up of:

  • Stevedoring
  • Ports
  • Water freight and passenger transport

The Ports and Maritime Transport NIAG’s priority areas:

  • Creating better connections with schools and encouraging young people into the industry
  • Qualifications review coming up in mid-2024
  • Ports and Cranes are setting up a Private Training Establishment (PTE)
  • Helping industry to better connect and understand vocational education and training.

  • Paul White – Co-chair
  • Aaron Amyes – Co-chair
  • Natasha Bennett
  • Dave Blackburn
  • Roi Rangi
  • Zharn Abraham
  • Sonny Ali
  • Mark Foster
  • Melanie Dyer
  • Pasitaua Haufano
  • Milo Coldren
  • Peter Kara
  • Tracey Bates.