MITO gifts Hanga-Aro-Rau its Automotive Workforce Development Strategy Taonga February 28th, 2022 Hanga-Aro-Rau were proud to be gifted this strategy at a special joint event on Wednesday 23 February 2022. Attended by over 90 invited guests from across the automotive and vocational education sectors including our Council Co-chair Dr Troy Coyle and Council member Mark O’Grady, this special virtual presentation was a great opportunity for us to share our mission, how we will continue the mahi from MITO as well as symbolically receive their recently refreshed strategy that together we will work to action. Speakers included the Motor Trade Association Vice President (and MITO board member) Sturrock Saunders and Senior Economist at Infometrics Rob Heyes, who shared fascinating insights into the current state of the automotive sector, which fed into the strategy. Our own Deputy Chief Executive Samantha McNaughton also spoke, giving a recap of what led to the formation of our WDC and how we will work with the automotive sector going forward, highlighting the already underway Collision Repair and Automotive Refinishing qualification review. Our Chief Executive, Philip Alexander-Crawford, then officially received the strategy taonga from Verna Niao, the Director of MITO, which became a division of Te Pūkenga Work Based Learning Limited (WBL) on 01 January 2022. Automotive-Workforce-Development-Strategy. The joint presentation with MITO, in action: over 90 attendees joined the virtual event.