
Pacific Peoples' Workforce Development Action Plan 2024 - 2029

Lumana'i o Tangata Moana

Ia fa’amalosia tomai o le aufaigaluega Pasefika ia siitia ai avanoa e lē gata i le taimi nei ae mo le lumana’i

A stronger Pacific workforce with better opportunities now and in the future

Hanga-Aro-Rau will continuously work hard to be a trusted advocate for Pacific Peoples within the manufacturing engineering and logistics industries. We support industry, providers, learners, and regional Pacific communities to maximise education and career opportunities and business productivity for Pacific Peoples and the wider New Zealand economy.

Lumana’i o Tangata Moana Hanga-Aro-Rau Pacific Peoples Workforce Development Action Plan intends to advocate for the interests of the Pacific workforce within Hanga-Aro-Rau industries to influence positive systemic change across vocational education and training. This will provide confidence to our stakeholders and partners that Hanga-Aro-Rau is a strong, informed, and reliable source of support for the Pacific workforce.

Explore the Hanga-Aro-Rau Lumana’i o Tangata Moana Action Plan

The Four Priority Goals for Lumana’i o Tangata Moana

We are a values-led organisation focused on measurable transformation and delivering on our promises. As we set our priority goals to improve outcomes for Pacific Peoples, we consider the importance of industry voice and the critical influence of community partnership and involvement as a foundation for helping us achieve the outcomes our Pacific workforce and learners seek. Hanga-Aro-Rau is dedicated to partnering with Pacific communities, our industries, and businesses to achieve Lumana’i o Tangata Moana goals. Our actions support Pacific workforce development, career advancement, cultural understanding, and industry-community partnerships. We prioritise impactful collaborations, recognising the mutual benefits of social investment. Through strategic partnerships, we foster innovation and sustainable growth for a thriving future.

Our four priority goals are:


Solesolevaki sa itakele ni duavata

Solidarity is the cornerstone of unity. (Fijian Proverb)

Implementing Lumana’i o Tangata Moana

Lumana’i translates to ‘future’ in Gagana Samoa, encouraging the notion of a thriving future. Our journey with Lumana’i o Tangata Moana is a testament to our commitment to progress for Pacific communities and our industries. As we embark on the transformative journey outlined in Lumana’i o Tangata Moana, the wisdom of our Pacific ancestors guides us, “Solesolevaki sa itakele ni duavata” a Fijian proverb meaning solidarity is the cornerstone of unity. This wisdom serves as a guiding beacon in implementing Lumana’i o Tangata Moana. It emphasises the importance of working together through partnerships, cooperation, mutual support, and collective effort to achieve shared goals.

Lumana’i o Tangata Moana is not just a plan; it’s an invitation to partnerships and collaboration. We invite our partners — Pacific communities, industry, and education providers — to join us in this transformative journey. Together, our actions can contribute to a stronger Pacific workforce with better opportunities now and in the future.

Join the talanoa today!

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