
Industry leaders in butchery, we need your expertise!

Alongside the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG), made up of industry subject matter experts and provider representatives, we’ve been reviewing a suite of qualifications for the butchery industry to determine if they are still fit for purpose.

The review included the following qualifications:

We want to ensure the qualification content is relevant and representative of the industry’s needs.

If you work in this industry or are a provider, do you think this suite of qualifications will meet your industry’s skill and knowledge requirements now and in the future? 

Complete this short survey by Midday Monday 25 March 2024 to ensure that these qualifications reflect what is needed now and in the future.

Take the Butchery survey – Click here.

If you would like to be kept in the loop about the progress of these qualifications or any other developments at Hanga-Aro-Rau, there is space to leave your contact details at the end of the survey.

All feedback will be considered by the QAG so please take the opportunity to have your say and shape the future education pathways in Butchery.

Ngā mihi nui for taking the time to participate in this qualification review.