
Interim rulings

An interim ruling is a decision made by Hanga-Aro-Rau as the standard setting body to address an issue/error within a standard to allow for continuation of assessment until the standard can be revised.

These rulings are applied to all active versions of the standard which have the same issue/error and lasts until the Last Date of Assessment (LDoA) of the version/s of the standard it is applied to.

Interim rulings are generally applied to correct minor errors in terminology and to provide clarity:

  • where standard references supersede regulations and/or legislation
  • where standard references range statements include out-dated technology and / or industry practice
  • on the interpretation i.e., verb, phrases, words, range statements, and assessment requirements.

If you are developing assessment material or conducting moderation against a unit standard and believe an interim ruling should be applied, please send the details to [email protected].

Please see the table below for the list of current interim rulings.

Subfield/Domain Standard numberVersion/sStandard title Section of standardIssue in briefInterim ruling on how to interpret Date of interim rulingExpiry date of interim ruling
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials 295492Demonstrate basic knowledge of the mechanical properties and selection of engineering materialsOutcome 1 In order to meet the performance criteria leading to the outcome, learners must evidence both mechanical and physical properties. Read Outcome 1 as Demonstrate basic knowledge of the mechanical and physical properties and strength of materials.August 2023To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials 29549Outcome 1 RangeThe existing range statement combines physical properties alongside mechanical properties in a mandatory range statement. Read Outcome 1 Range as: mechanical properties - ductility, formability, brittleness, hardness; physical properties - machinability, conductivity, density, corrosion resistance; strength types - compression, tensile, shear, yield point.August 2023
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials 29549Performance criterion 1.1 and 1.2In order to meet the outcome range statement learners must evidence both mechanical and physical properties. Read P.C 1.1 and 1.2 as 'mechanical and physical properties'August 2023
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials 29549Performance criterion 2.2 Following on from the interim ruling on outcome one and associated performance criterion, learners must evidence both mechanical and physical properties. Read P.C 2.2 as An example of a product manufactured from common industry plastics is stated and the mechanical and physical properties that make it suitable for the product described. August 2023
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials29550 2Demonstrate basic knowledge of common engineering metalsGuidance Information 3 RangeThere are a lot more common metals that are used in engineering which are not reflected in the current mandatory range statement. Additional metals can be added to this range to ensure flexibility for the evidence produced to meet this range statement. Read the range statement as Range - austenitic stainless steel, aluminium, carbon steel. May include - copper, brass, titanium, bronze.August 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials 29550 Outcome 1In order to meet the performance criteria leading to the outcome, learners must evidence both mechanical and physical properties. Read Outcome 1 as Demonstrate basic knowledge of the mechanical and physical properties and strength of materials.August 2023
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials 29550 Outcome 1 RangeThe existing range statement combines physical properties alongside mechanical properties in a mandatory range statement. Read Outcome 1 Range as: mechanical properties - ductility, formability, weldability, brittleness, hardness; physical properties - machinability, conductivity, density, corrosion resistance. August 2023
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering - Materials 29550 Performance criterion 1.1 and 1.3In order to meet the outcome range statement learners must evidence both mechanical and physical properties. Read P.C 1.1 and 1.3 as mechanical and physical propertiesAugust 2023
Mechanical Engineering > Maintenance and Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering 30286 1Demonstrate knowledge of, and replace and test static seals in machineryPerformance criterion 1.1 RangeTeflon is a brand name for PTFE which is already included in the range statement to be evidenced. Paper seals are also commonly known as 'sheet'. Treat range item 'teflon' as being removed. Read 'paper' as 'sheet/paper' to reflect different terminology used within industry. August 2023To be updated upon standard review
Motor Industry > Collision Repair23988 v2 and v3Demonstrate knowledge of the resistance spot welding process used for vehicle repairsPerformance Criterion 1.6 RangePerformance Criteria 1.6 range statement includes ‘splitter’. This term is not used in industry. Treat range item 'splitter' as being removed.August 2023To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Refrigeration and Air Conditioning32518 1Demonstrate and apply knowledge of variable refrigerant flow and charging refrigerant for VRF systemGuidance Information 6dGuidance Information 6d "Evidence for outcome one must be supported using evidence of VRF training provided from the Heat Pump Suppliers Association" cannot be achieved as the HSPA does not provide training directly.Treat Guidance Information 6 d. as being removed.August 2023To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Maintenance and Diagnostics in Mechanical Engineering2401 9Shut down, isolate and start up machines and equipmentPre-requisiteThe pre-requisite requirement is not consistent with other versions of the standard which are still active. Treat pre-requisite of compliance with the critical health and safety pre-requisite statement (Unit 21912 , Apply safe working practices on an engineering worksite; Unit 29652 , Demonstrate knowledge of safety, health, risk assessment, and hazard ID and control on an engineering worksite; or demonstrate equivalent skills and knowledge) as being removed.August 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Furniture > Furniture Operations25569 4Demonstrate knowledge of timber types, timber seasoning and insect attack in furniture operationsGuidance Information 3 and 5Reference materials in Guidance Information are no longer available.Treat Guidance Information 3 and 5 as being removed. Adequate guidance information for assessors has been provided in the assessment information section of the unit standard and the associated workbook.August 2023To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning26327 3Demonstrate knowledge, and plan and install pipe-work and ducting for mechanical building services under supervisionPerformance Criterion 2.1 RangePerformance Criteria 1.6 range statement includes ‘nomenclature’. Treat range item 'nomenclature' as being removed.August 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Furniture > Furniture Finishing25529 2Use masking materials to protect surface areas from coatings in furniture finishingPerformance Criterion 1.2, 2.2 and 3.2 RangeThe range items require evidence for items that are no longer reflective of industries needs.Treat the range item ‘foam material’ as being removed from P.C 1.2 and P.C 3.2. Treat the range item ‘soft edge masking’ as being removed from P.C 2.2.August 2023To be updated upon standard review
Driving > Core Driving Knowledge and Skills3466 8Apply risk reduction techniques and strategies while drivingPerformance Criterion 1.2Performance Criteria 1.2 is difficult to evidence during the course of a practical driving examination. Treat Performance Criteria 1.2 as being deleted. Read the Performance Criteria 1.2 ‘Range – must include the seven driving manoeuvres’ as relevant to the assessment of Performance Criteria 1.1. June 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Motor Industry > Engines 11727 4Recondition engine cylinder headsGuidance Information 4
Performance Criterion 2.2 Range
Guidance Information 4 and Performance Criterion 2.2 are difficult to evidence requirements for machining the rocker components on an alloy diesel cylinder head. Read G.I 4 as Assessment against this standard may include cast iron and aluminum alloy cylinder heads from both petrol and diesel multi-cylinder engines.
Treat P.C 2.2 range statement as 'may include'
July 2023To be updated upon standard review
Motor Industry > Engines11728 4Recondition engine cylinder blocks Guidance Information 4
Performance Criterion 2.1
Performance Criterion 2.4 Range
Guidance Information 4, Performance Criterion 2.1 and 2.2 are difficult to evidence requirements for wet liner short block assemblies. Read G.I 4 as Assessment against this standard includes a minimum of two petrol fuelled short block assemblies from different multi-cylinder engine configurations, and two diesel fuelled short block assemblies from different multi-cylinder engine configurations.
Treat P.C 2.1 as being removed.
Treat P.C 2.4 range statement as 'may include'.
July 2023To be updated upon standard review
Motor Industry > Engines11729 4Inspect and machine engine piston and connecting rod assembliesGuidance Information 4
Performance Criterion 2.2
Guidance Information 4 and Performance Criterion 2.2 are difficult to evidence requirements for resizing conrod tunnels on 2 stroke engines and machining piston ring grooves. Read G.I 4 as Assessment against this standard includes piston and rod assemblies applicable to four stroke petrol and diesel fuelled engines. Evidence of three sets of piston and rod assemblies is required.
Read P.C 2.2 as Piston ring grooves are machined, if required.
July 2023To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning26336 2Demonstrate knowledge of the components used in heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems Guidance Information 1Guidance Information 1 references the incorrect standard title as recommended for entry into this unit. Read G.I 1 as Unit 26335 Demonstrate introductory knowledge of mechanical building services is recommended for entry into this unit standard.September 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Primary Products Food Processing > Primary Products Food Processing - Operational Skills29147 2Describe and apply stock control procedures in a primary products food processing operationPerformance criterion 2.2Outcome 2 requires learners to access, not assess, information. Read 2.2 as Access and maintain inventory records.September 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Meat Processing > Boning Operations28229 2Break and bone carcasses of large animals in a meat processing operationOutcome 1The range items require evidence for several large animals that can be difficult for many meat processors to evidence. Treat Outcome 1 range statement as 'may include'. Evidence of a minimum of three different boned cuts are required to be evidenced. September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Meat Processing > Boning Operations28230 2Break and bone carcasses of small animals in a meat processing operationOutcome 1The range items require evidence for several small animals that can be difficult for many meat processors to evidence. Treat Outcome 1 range statement as 'may include'. Evidence of a minimum of three different boned cuts are required to be evidenced. September 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Meat Processing > Pre and Post Slaughter and Dressing28187 2Remove hides mechanically in a meat processing operationGuidance Information 5The range items require evidence for several hides that can be difficult for many meat processors to evidence. Read G.I 5 as Hides may include cattle, deer, sheep, goats, pigs. Evidence of a minimum of two hides are required to be evidenced.September 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Furniture > Furniture and Cabinet Making18915 3Use fixing hardware in furniture makingOutcome 2
Performance Criterion 1.2
Performance Criterion 1.3
Confusion on the definition of a superscrew and the use of the term throughout the standard. Super screws refer to screws desgined for composite materials to reduce splitting which have coarse threads and either a sharp point or a self-drilling end. Read O2, P.C 1.2 and 1.3 "super screw" as super / surefix screw. September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Maritime > Sea Survival and Sea Safety 12310 6Demonstrate knowledge of fire prevention and limitation, and extinguish small fires on board a vesselPerformance Criterion 2.2 Range
Performance criterion 2.3 Range
AFFF (Foam) extinguishers have tighter restrictions on their use and storage. These fire extinguishers have begun a process of disuse in the industry as a whole. Please see this article from EPA. Treat P.C 2.2 and P.C 2.3 'Foam (AFFF)' as being removed. September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Cranes > Crane Operation 32093 1Operate, lift, and place loads with a platform crane on an offshore installationPerformance Criterion 3.2 RangeP.C range item "helicopter loading officer" may not always be applicable in all situations.Read P.C 3.2 range statement as riggers, slingers, dogmen, platform supervisor; may include - helicopter loading officer.September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Cranes> Crane Operation32094 1Lift and place loads between an offshore installation and a supply boat using a platform cranePerformance Criterion 1.2 RangeP.C range item "helicopter loading officer" may not always be applicable in all situations.Read P.C 1.2 range statement as riggers, slingers, dogmen, platform supervisor, ship personnel; may include - helicopter loading officer.September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Meat Processing > Meat Manufacturing3116 9Prepare raw meat products and operate a meat preserving machine in a meat processing operationPerformance Criterion 2.1 RangeThe range item requires evidence for which may be unachievable for learners, and should be widened to include other methods of cooking such as air frying, drying etc.Treat P.C 2.1 range statement as 'may include'.September 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Meat Processing > Meat Processing - Core Skills21160 4Locate and identify anatomical features of a carcassOutcome 2 RangeThe range item requires evidence for which may be unachievable for learners due to seasonality or species e.g a lamb vell is only found in milk lambs just weaned off mother, pigs and beef do not have sweetbreads.Treat Outcome 2 range statement components as 'may include'.September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Motor Industry > Tyres 24458 2Prepare to repair, and repair punctures in tubes and tubeless tyres on light vehiclesGuidance Information 6
Performance Criterion 2.2
G.I requirement for Spot Vulcanizer is not achievable as it is a sidewall repair, which is illegal in New Zealand.
Clarification of P.C 2.2 evidence requirements.
Treat G.I 6 as being removed.
P.C 2.2 is in reference to unrepairable tyres and tubes.
September 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Primary Products Food Processing > Primary Products Food Processing - Operational Skills29142 2Describe and supervise storage of products and goods in a primary products food processing operationGuidance Information 2 - Stock definition
Performance Criterion 1.2 Range
G.I 2 Stock definition reads as a range statement, which is not the intent. The stock definition is to provide clarity of what is meant when the word is used, however it is not expected that learners evidence all items listed as these may not be applicable in all situations.
Clarification of P.C 1.2 range evidence requirements.
Stock refers to the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a priamry products food processing operation available for sale or distribution. This may include items such as dried, chilled, fresh, frozen, liquids, 'pre-packaged' and smoked products.
Treat P.C 1.2 range statement as 'may include'. Evidence of three are required to be evidenced.
September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Products4306 9Describe processed cheese manufacturingPerformance Criterion 1.3There are no legislative requirements which define minimum components and processes for processed cheese.Read P.C 1.3 as Describe customer product specifications and/or workplace specifications relating to processed cheese in terms of minimum component levels, minimum heat treatment, and the use of additives.September 2023To be updated upon standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Products4307 8Describe the manufacture of frozen milk products in a dairy processing operationPerformance Criterion 3.1Clarity is sought on the interpretation of range statement for PC3.1. Performance criteria 3.1 range statement requires evidence of one frozen milk product, however the hard range statement means every item listed must be produced as evidence. This ruling allows the range statement to read: packaging materials and forms may include but are not limited to – plastics, coated cartons, coated paper; evidence of one packaging material and form is required. November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Boating Industries > Boatbuilding 9934 5Construct interior support structures for boats1. Guidance information 3
2. Guidance Information 3
3. Performance Criteria 2.1
4. Performance Criteria 2.2
5. Performance Criteria 3.2
Issue 1: Range statement refers to “support structures may include – partitions, soles …..” then requests evidence for a “cabin sole”, which is a specific sole and removes flexibility as there are many types of soles available in the boating industry.
Issue 2: Guidance information 3 includes a hard range for “substrates”.
Issue 3: PC 2.1 refers to “sketches and templates” however only one is required by the businesses in the sector.
Issue 4: PC 2.2 range does not include substrates which is an important material in boat building.
Issue 5: PC 3.2 requires completed support structures to be checked and remedial action taken if required to ensure job specifications for size, shape, weight, surface equilibrium, and fairness are met. Some terminology used have changed.
1. This ruling allows for “cabin sole” to be replaced with “sole” ie removal of the word “cabin”. All other information remains the same.
2. This ruling changes the range to read “substrate may include…..”. All other information remains the same.
3. This ruling changes PC 2.1 to read “sketches or templates are developed in accordance with job specification". All other information remains the same.
4. This ruling changes PC 2.2 range to read “materials include – adhesives, fastenings and substrates”. All other information remains the same.
5. This ruling changes PC 3.2 to read “Completed support structures are checked and remedial action is taken if required to ensure job specifications for placement, equilibrium, correct material and correct fastening are met”.
November 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning31142 2Demonstrate knowledge of refrigerants and their use in mechanical building servicesPerformance Criterion 1.5 Range
Outcome 2 Range
Performance criteria 1.5 range statement refers to ammonia, however ammonia is not used in mechanical building services.
Refers to R717 refrigerant, however R717 is not used in mechanical building services.
Treat range item 'ammonia' as being removed.
Treat range item 'R717' as being removed.
November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Products4305 8Describe the manufacture of cultured dairy products and dairy desserts in a dairy processing operationGuidance Information 1 Guidance Information 1 refers to the incorrect Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard (2.5.2).Refer to Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 2.5.3. November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Extractive Industries > Extractive Industries Management31761 1Demonstrate knowledge of assessing, monitoring, and controlling risks to worker health in the extractive industriesPerformance Criterion 1.1 RangePerformance criteria 1.1 range statement refers to “other persons and workplaces”, however the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 states “other persons at workplaces”. Read P.C 1.1 range item "other persons and workplaces" as "other persons at workplaces"November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Extractive Industries > Extractive Industries Management 31762 1Demonstrate knowledge of worker health in the extractive industriesPerformance Criterion 1.1 RangePerformance criteria 1.1 range statement refers to “other persons and workplaces”, however the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 states “other persons at workplaces”. Read P.C 1.1 range item "other persons and workplaces" as "other persons at workplaces"November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Composites > Production Composites23254 3Touch up and restore gelcotePerformance Criterion 1.3 Range
Performance Criterion 2.1 Range
Performance criteria 1.3 range statement refers to “waxed”, however the wax is rarely used now in the industry, however other longer lasting additives are.
Performance criteria 2.1 range statement includes defects that cannot all practically be identified
Read P.C 1.3 range item "waxed" as "wax or other additives"
Read P.C 2.1 as "Condition of the gelcoat is checked and faults are identified in accordance with job specifications". Treat P.C 2.1 range statement as 'may include'.
November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Composites > Production Composites3171 7Produce a cored laminate itemGuidance Information 5Guidance Information 5 requires assessments to use at least two cores in one laminate item, however it is highly unlikely that two cores will be joined in one laminate item.Read Guidance Information 5 as "Assessment will use one of the following cores in a laminate item – non-woven, foams, honeycomb, wood".November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Composites > Production Composites3166 7Produce a composite item using resin pre-impregnated reinforcementPerformance Criterion 1.1 RangeRange items are not relevant to pre-impregnated reinforcement. Treat P.C range as being removed. November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Motor Industry > Trailer Boat Systems15463 5Carry out a sea trial for a trailer boatPrerequisiteThis pre-requisite is not required to complete the requirements of the unit standard. Treat pre-requisite as being removed. November 2023To be updated upon standard review
Boating Industries > Boatbuilding23256 2Demonstrate knowledge of quality control for trailer boat productionGuidance Information 1
PC 2.2
Guidance information 1 refers to ISO 7840:2013 – Small craft, fire-resistant fuel hoses, and other relevant international standards, available at http://www/, however this standard has been superseded by ISO 7840:2021 – Small craft, fire-resistant fuel hoses.
PC 2.2 refers to ISO 7840:2013, however, ISO 7840 :2013 has been superseded by ISO 7840 :2021.
Reference and link updated to “ISO 7840:2021 – Small craft, fire-resistant fuel hoses” ISO 7840:2021 - Small craft — Fire-resistant fuel hoses”
Read PC 2.2 as The overview and purpose of ISO 7840:2021 is explained in relation to trailer boat production.
December 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Metal Forming2375 8Produce moulds and cores by hand for metal casting processesPC 2.7 PC 2.7 is incomplete PC 2.7 changed to read Moulds are closed and secured ready for use”. December 2023To be updated upon standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Products28603 2Carry out cheese processing operationsGI 3Guidance information 3 reads “Cheese making equipment – refers to hardening tunnel, plate hardening machine, jacket holding tank, refrigeration, cooling towers, vats, block forming towers, trolley table, tunnel press, pneumatic press, hydraulic press, screw press, moulds.”, however some ākonga have faced challenges in providing the necessary evidence to meet Performance Criteria 1.3 and Outcome 3.This ruling changes GI3 to read Cheese making equipment – refers to hardening tunnel, plate hardening machine, jacket holding tank, refrigeration, cooling towers, vats, block forming towers, trolley table, tunnel press, pneumatic press, hydraulic press, screw press, moulds and may include other appropriate equipment.December 2023 To be updated upon standard review
Driving > Driver Licence Endorsements18496 3Demonstrate knowledge and skills for driving a forklift on a road for Endorsement FOutcome 1 and PCs 1.1-1.4Outcome 1 and performance criteria 1.1 to 1.4 use the verb ‘describe’. The current assessment is fully multi-choice for outcome 1, and NZTA, who are the legislators, do not want written answer questions for this outcome. Describing legal requirements, legislation, codes, documentation etc. is not practical for the demographic of learner undertaking assessment for this standard.This ruling replaces the verb ‘describe’ to ‘identify’ in outcome 1 and performance criteria 1.1 -1.4.January 2024To be updated upon standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Processing28608 3Describe the milk treatment process in a dairy processing operationOutcome 2 PC 2.2Outcome 2 Performance Criteria 2.2 contains a typing error, the word 'build' should read 'bulk'This ruling replaces the word 'build' with the word ''bulk' correction is required so that PC 2.2 will read: 2.2 Describe the process of transferring bulk liquid materials in terms of organisational requirements.January 2024To be updated upon standard review
Dairy Processing > Dairy Processing - Core Skills32282 3Demonstrate and apply knowledge of mechanical equipment and diagnostics in a dairy processing operationPerformance Criterion 6.1Performance Criterion 6.1 - range statement plant state includes but are not limited to – pressurized lines, plant on clean-in-place, plant on product. Request to amend wording to read 'may include'. This ruling replaces the wording "plant state includes but are not limited to" - with the wording 'may include' so the range statement for PC6.1 will read: Range plant state may include but are not limited to – pressurized lines, plant on clean-in-place, plant on product January 2024To be updated upon standard review
Driving > Core Driving Knowledge and Skills3465 7Describe driving hazards and crash risk reduction strategies and responses to driving hazards Performance criterion 2.4PC2.4 below is poorly written and difficult to interpret: The road codes and rules other road users are being observed and are described in terms of how they impact on driving and crash risk. To provide clarity, this ruling replaces the current wording in p.c 2.4 'road code and rules other road users' with 'road code rules, and other road users' to read as follows: The road codes and rules other road users are being observed and are described in terms of how they impact on driving and crash risk.
    The range statement remains the same.
January 2024To be updated upon standard review
Sign Making > Sign Making - Specialisation33069 1Fabricate three-dimensional signsFabricate three-dimensional signsP.C 2.4 Folding only applies to some substrates such as ACM or aluminium.
    P.C 2.5 Welding only applies to metal substrates. Welding is a specialised task which is unlikely to be undertaken by a signmaking apprentice.
    P.C 3.2 is missing glues from range statement on joining methods. This would be used to join acrylic which is a common signmaking material.
    P.C 2.4 Recommendation received to specify a material for the substrate that required v-grooving and welding or make the PCs more open to other methods of joining.
P.C 3.2 Recommendation received to either specify a material for the substrate or make the range a soft one so it is more open to other methods of joining.
    P.C 2.4 - No change required for P.C 2.4 given there is a range statement under guidance information which lists a range of substrates. ACM or aluminium are common substrates which can be used here.
    Treat P.C 2.5 as being removed. Instead, welding to be added to range statement in P.C 2.6 to accomodate different joining methods if available to learners in their workplace. Change from hard range to soft range and specify a minimum of three different joining methods.
    Read new range statement for P.C 2.6 as: 2.6 Join substrate material using a range of methods. Range may include - blind rivets, glues, very high bond (VHB) tapes, welding. A minimum of three different joining methods must be evidenced.
    P.C 3.2 - Glues added to range statement. Read new range statement for P.C 3.2 as: P.C 3.2 Join components using a range of methods. Range blind rivets, screws, VHB tapes, glues.
March 2024To be updated upon standard review
Boating Industries > Boatbuilding18171 4Demonstrate knowledge of spars and riggingPerformance criteria 1.2 and 3.2PC1.2: MAST Academy believe ‘Fenders’ and ‘Leads’ do not belong in the unit standard. The term leads is applicable to sailmaking not spars and rigging. This is left out because it is no longer relevant. Fenders is not a term relevant to this unit standard. We have therefore deliberately left these out and have altered the assessment accordingly. We have consulted with our SME’ and these are old technology terms and not used in 2024.
    PC3.2: Chain is also not used in spars and rigging today and may only be used as anchor/bow chain which is not relevant to spars or rigging in 2024. MAST Academy believe ‘chain’ does not belong in the unit standard.
 This ruling allows for the following items to be omitted from the range statements:
    PC1.2 fenders, leads
    PC 3.2 chain
Whilst the items will remain in the range statements, learners are not required to provide evidence for these items. Industry has advised that they are no longer required.
April 2024To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Passive Fire Protection31917 2Select, use, and care for tools and equipment used in the installation of passive fire protection Outcome 2 and 3The range for Outcome 1 is duplicated in Outcome 2 and 3 in error.Correction to typographical errors in the range statements for Outcomes 2 and 3.
    Outcome 2: The range statement should be interpreted as “At least three engineering hand tools are required.”
      Outcome 3: The range statement should be interpreted as "At least three portable engineering power tools are required.”
May 2024To be updated upon standard review
Mechanical Engineering > Passive Fire Protection 33300 1Demonstrate knowledge of passive fire protection safety documentation and potential conflictsOutcome 4The PC number is duplicated 4.2 - This should be 4.1, 4.2 then 4.3 (not 4.2 again) Correction to number requiredApril 2024To be updated on standard review
Dairy Processing >Milk Processing 28608 3Describe the milk treatment process in a dairy processing operation Performance criteria 1.1The hard range statement calls for two examples of centrifugal equipment used in the candidate's workplace. Most workplaces only use one type so this is not possible to complete.Interim ruling reduces the range statement requirement from two examples from the candidate's workplace to one.June 2024To be updated upon standard review
Dairy Processing > Core Skills32410 2Describe and use systems to support operational activities in a dairy processing operationOutcome 2PC's are incorrectly numberedIt is accepted the numbering of the Performance Criteria for US32410 Outcome 2 are incorrect and for the purposes of learning and assessment these will be manually changed to reflect the correct numbering sequence of 2.1 and 2.2July-24To be updated on standard review
Stevedoring and Ports Industry > Cargo Operations31098 1Demonstrate and apply knowledge of safe working practices for working at heights on a vessel Outcome 3"Feedback Mark has reached out regarding a concern flagged by the port workplace assessors regarding US 31098. They have noted a potential challenge for employers in meeting the requirements outlined in one of the range statements. ""Outcome 3: Remove existing range statements to allow for evidence to be collected in day or night conditions. The evidence requirement is now evidence of three – working at heights "July-24To be updated on standard review.
Dairy Processing > Milk Products 21123 6Carry out an Anhydrous Milkfat process in a dairy processing operationPC 3.6"The PC 3.6 Shut down AMF equipment. Range shutdown includes but is not limited to – putting plant on standby, routine, emergency situation. SME advised that there won't ever be emergency shutdown. "Apply the wording may include to the RANGE STATEMENT for PC 3.6 to allow for the feedback that there won’t ever be an emergency shutdown. NOTE PC 1.6 is still being looked at as a cohesive approach to the Primary ITO requests for IR to similar content. New Feedback item has been added to Ako Kōrero for PC1.6.September-24To be updated on standard review.
Mechanical Engineering > Locksmithing 12915 5Install mortice and rim fitted locking devices Guidance Information, 4 Ambiguity in the wording for the 'examples of applications' range and the 'installation' range. Examples of applications are – doors, windows, cabinets. (Soft range) Read Guidance Information 4 as: Examples of applications may include doors, windows and cabinets. Application materials must include aluminium and wood. Evidence required for 10 installations covering the range of application materials. September-24To be updated on standard review
Motor Industry > Automotive Transmission Systems33126 1Diagnose complex faults in vehicle or machine driveline systems and reflect on diagnostic proceduresGI4 RangeClarification is being sought around what is deemed to be a “Driveline system. This leaves little option for the learner to use specific parts of the driveline apart from a transmission and a differential or hub assemblies. This ruling modifies the range statement to: “Driveline systems may include complex electronic or mechanical faults from two different drive line related components such as transmission, final drive, transfer case, center differential, AWD coupling.” All other information remains the same.Sep-24To be updated on standard review.
Driving>Driver License Classes17575 6Operate a combination vehicle to meet the requirements for a full Class 3 driver licenceGI 4Unit Standard 17574 Guidance Information 5 has a statement that reads: " vehicles must carry a minimum of 50% payload in terms of gross vehicle mass" This is missing in this standard.This ruling modifies the Guidance Information 4 of 17575 to include: "vehicles must carry a minimum of 50% payload in terms of gross vehicle mass". All other information remains the same.October-24To be updated on standard review
Driving>Driver License Classes17576 6Operate a rigid vehicle to meet the requirements for a full Class 4 driver licenceGI 5Unit Standard 17574 Guidance Information 5 has a statement that reads: " vehicles must carry a minimum of 50% payload in terms of gross vehicle mass" This is missing in this standard.This ruling modifies the Guidance Information 5 of 17576 to include: "vehicles must carry a minimum of 50% payload in terms of gross vehicle mass". All other information remains the same.October-24To be updated on standard review
Driving>Driver License Classes17577 6Operate a combination vehicle to meet the requirements for a full Class 5 driver licenceGI5Unit Standard 17574 Guidance Information 5 has a statement that reads: " vehicles must carry a minimum of 50% payload in terms of gross vehicle mass" This is missing in this standard.This ruling modifies the Guidance Information 5 of 17576 to include: "vehicles must carry a minimum of 50% payload in terms of gross vehicle mass". All other information remains the same.October-24To be updated on standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Processing4825 9Describe milk collection and reception in a dairy processing operationPC 4.1 RangePerformance criteria 4.1 Range statement reads “effects include but are not limited to – food poisoning, poor publicity, potential loss of markets, product recall, traceback investigations.”This PC requires a description of the potential effects of pathogen contamination. It has an ‘include but not limited to’ range, which suggests each range item must be covered; however, there are many effects that are not listed and that would be valid, acceptable answers. A request has been made to change the hard range to a soft range to allow for alternative valid and acceptable answers.This ruling modifies the range statement to: “effects may include but are not limited to – food poisoning, poor publicity, potential loss of markets, product recall, traceback investigations”.All other information remains the same.October-24To be updated on standard review.
Dairy Processing > Milk Products28929 3Carry out a cultured dairy products and dairy desserts process in a dairy processing operationPC 3.7"PC 3.7 Shut down cultured dairy products and dairy desserts equipment. Range shutdown includes but is not limited to – putting plant on standby, routine, emergency situation. Most learners will never be able to provide evidence of having completed an emergency shutdown. " Apply the wording 'may include' to PC 3.7 range statement to allow for the fact that most learners will not have evidence of an emergency shutdown.October-24To be updated on standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Products32409 2Carry out intrusive activity inspections in a dairy processing operation The title, purpose statement, outcomes, and PCs. "Outcomes 2 and 3 are unclear: Outcome 2 - Prepare to carry out intrusive activity in a dairy processing operation. Outcome 3: Carry out intrusive activity inspection in a dairy processing operation. Intrusive activity is different from the intrusive activity inspection. The inspection is an audit, often carried out by an auditor or a manager, and it's a check that the intrusive activity was done in line with the work permit. Describing an intrusive activity inspection is permissible. The intention of the unit standard interim ruling for Outcomes 1, 2, & 3 is to clearly articulates consistency for the learner needs to prepare for and then carry out intrusive activity. " "Remove the term inspections from the unit standard title and purpose statement. Remove the term ‘inspection’ from PC 2.3 – is to be read as ‘Review intrusive activity requirements before completing intrusive activity’. Outcome 3 wording to align the intention with those of Outcome 1 and 2 for consistency by removing ‘inspection’ from the Outcome, and rewording PC 1.3 and its Range Statement to remove ‘inspection’. Outcome 3 is to be read as ‘Carry out intrusive activity in a dairy processing operation’. PC 3.1 - is to be read as ‘Carry out an intrusive activity to organisational requirements’. PC 3.5 – is to be read as ‘Record the outcomes of an intrusive activity’." September-24 To be updated on standard review
Dairy Processing > Milk Products21122 5 Load and unload dairy tankers in a dairy processing operation PC 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 "PC 2.3 - Identify bulk storage locations, holdings and capacity. Issue: Industry feedback suggests that holding and capacities would be done by the separator operators. It would not be done by a tanker driver as it is not part of their responsibilities. PC 2.4 - Confirm actual to recorded holding levels. Issue: Industry experts have advised that this is not done by tanker drivers as part of unloading. Tanker drivers do not need to know that. PC 2.5 - Confirm transfer equipment is in operational condition. Issue: Advised that this is done by separator operators. Drivers would only look for leaks or cracks during unloading (they do not have time to check anything else). PC 2.6 - Identify and follow dairy processing site access requirements. Range: three sites. Issue: The range statement (three sites) is a barrier to completion. Most drivers will only unload at one site, possibly two. In most cases, it would be the same procedures that are being followed." "Remove the requirement for evidence for PC 2.3, PC 2.4, PC 2.5, and PC 2.6 " September-24 To be updated on standard review
Commercial Road Transport > Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources 17190 5 Operate a gantry vehicle for transportation of waste PC 1.1 Incorrect word used in unit standard Wordsmithing - Periodical should be periodic. Periodic is something that occurs at regular intervals, whereas a periodical is a journal. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Commercial Road Transport > Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources 17191 5 Operate a hookload vehicle for transportation of waste PC 1.1 Incorrect word used in unit standard Wordsmithing - Periodical should be periodic. Periodic is something that occurs at regular intervals, whereas a periodical is a journal. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Commercial Road Transport > Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources 17192 5 Operate a low entry vehicle for transportation of waste PC 1.1 Incorrect word used in unit standard Wordsmithing - Periodical should be periodic. Periodic is something that occurs at regular intervals, whereas a periodical is a journal. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Commercial Road Transport > Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources 17193 5 Operate a rearload vehicle for transportation of waste PC 1.1 Incorrect word used in unit standard Wordsmithing - Periodical should be periodic. Periodic is something that occurs at regular intervals, whereas a periodical is a journal. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Commercial Road Transport > Transportation of Waste and Recoverable Resources 17194 5 Operate a sideloader vehicle for transportation of waste PC 1.1 Incorrect word used in unit standard Wordsmithing - Periodical should be periodic. Periodic is something that occurs at regular intervals, whereas a periodical is a journal. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Motor Industry > Automotive Electrical and Electronics 21719 3 Remove and replace a lamp on a motor vehicle Definition Incorrect definition of lamp out of context Add Into the guidance information for both standards’ 'definitions' area, it would be ideal that a definition of 'lamp' was added which clarified that 'Lamp refers to a complete vehicle light assembly'. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Motor Industry > Automotive Electrical and Electronics 24093 3 Rectify simple vehicle lighting faults, and adjust vehicle lamps definition Incorrect definition of lamp out of context Add Into the guidance information for both standards’ 'definitions' area, it would be ideal that a definition of 'lamp' was added which clarified that 'Lamp refers to a complete vehicle light assembly'. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Commercial Road Transport > Passenger Service 15165 7 Transport passengers in wheelchairs using total mobility vehicles equipped with hoist or ramp PC 3.2 3.3 An expired Low Vehicle Volume Standard is referenced in PC’s 3.2 and 3.3. The US refers to Low Volume Vehicle Standard 45-60(00) however this has been replaced with Low Volume Vehicle Standard 45-60(02) which is available here: Refer to: Low Volume Vehicle Standard 45-60(02) which is available here: when assessing this standard as teh old standard has expired. November - 24 To be updated on standard review.
Driving > Driver Educator 14521 4Observe and analyse a person's driving, and determine optimal ways to achieve required performance GI 7 and 8 "GI 7 -A minimum distance for the assessment drive is being requested, which is 20km. This aligns it with other U/S practical driving assessments and with what will be in the revised LSFDI. Traffic jams can also affect travel time and assessment quality. GI 8 -More clarity is needed to aid in ensuring competency and consistency in assessments" " Add into the Guidance Information 7 - Minimum distance of 20km Add into the Guidance Information 8 - Each of the seven manoeuvres must be assessed on at least 3 occasions" December-24 To be updated on standard review.
Mechanical Engineering > Hand Operated Fire Fighting Equipment 9020 6Demonstrate knowledge and use of hand operated fire fighting equipment G1 and 4a "In G1 wrong title for Standard - Fire Extinguishers Regulations 2018, should read Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018 In G4 Range a - F - Cooling oil should read F - Cooking oil." "Modify - Fire Extinguishers Regulations 2018, to read Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, and Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018 Modify - Cooling oil to read as Cooking oil" December-24 To be updated on standard review.
Mechanical Engineering > Manufacturing Pathways Skills 32056 1Perform fabrication operations in MaPS environment GI 3  The issue with Hard vs Soft range in GI regarding materials, Schools have said Aluminum is getting expensive and was hoping for a soft range.  Unfortunately, this has quite a bit of an effect on the intent of this US regarding selection and use. The advice can be given to schools that it doesn’t indicate the amount used in relation to Mild steel so they could reduce the amount of aluminium used in their projects and still meet the US requirments. Considerations can be made at next review 30/12/24.  December-24 To be updated on standard review.
Mechanical Engineering > Fire Detection and Alarm Systems 23264 3 Inspect fire detection and alarm systems for compliance GI The paragraph numbers in the Guidance Information have an error. There are two paragraph number 3s. This makes referencing difficult as there is a specific range in the second on them. GI numbering to read per section - 1. Certification, 2. Legislation and regulations, 3. Definitions, 4. Assessment, 5. Range, 6. Recommended skills and knowledge. January-25 To be updated on standard review.
Printing > Printing - Screen 5141 6 Make ready and print multi colour for fabric panel screen printing P.C3.4 We are requesting that PC 3.4 is removed from the unit, based on industry feedback that This type of printing is done mainly in Asia. The equipment and supplies needed are not readily or easily available in NZ. Range statement to read - May include but not limited to overgloss, flocking, foiling, and puffing. At least one example must be provided. January-25 To be updated on standard review.
Mechanical Engineering > Engineering Core Skills 2396 7 Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the selection, use, and care of portable hand held engineering power tools  Explanatory notes  The link under the explanatory notes (GI) References is broken: Replace link with Worksafe - Safe Use of Machinery. - Safe use of machinery | WorkSafe February-25 To be updated on standard review.
Commercial Road Transport > Commercial Road Transport Skills 15158 5&6 Carry out pre-start vehicle checks on a heavy motor vehicle, prepare vehicle for use, and shut it down PC2.3 range "The Range statement in PC 2.3 reads: primary controls include steering mechanism, clutch, transmission, accelerator, brakes; secondary controls may include – horn/s, interior lights, indicators, high beam, windscreen washers and wipers, dash light, hazard lights. The problem is that the compulsory range item 'clutch' is not always fitted to heavy machinery anymore. " Ruling This ruling changes the range statement to read: primary controls include steering mechanism, transmission, accelerator, brakes, and may include clutch where fitted; secondary controls may include – horn/s, interior lights, indicators, high beam, windscreen washers and wipers, dash light, hazard lights. All other information remains the same. February-25 To be updated on standard review.
Baking > Pastry 29121 1Make yeast raised laminated pastry products in a commercial bakery Outcome 2 & 3 Outcomes 2 and 3 are duplications. Outcome 2 should read as “Make yeast raised laminated pastry” and outcome 3 should read as “Make yeast raised laminated pastry products”. Mar-25 To be updated on standard review.
Baking > Pastry15153 3Assess and analyse the quality of pastry products PC 2.1 and 2.3 No 2.2. 2.1 followed by 2.3 Renumber 2.3 to 2.2. Mar-25To be updated on standard review.
Driving > Driver Educator 14522 1 Describe processes which lead to enhanced driver self-management GI Note 1 and 2 "GI Note 1 - remove reference to the 2015 version of the document to future proof it (new version out later this year) and just show hyperlink to the document rather than organisational name and link. GI Note 2 - Unit standard 14522 is around the development of beliefs, values and attitudes associated to driving rather than the advanced driving assessment. The primary reason for sitting this unit standard is as part of the suite of unit standards a person is required to obtain a driving instructor (I endorsement). This endorsement allows a person to conduct driver instruction, in a vehicle, on a road for financial or commercial gain. Having the endorsement of the driver licence is a legislative requirement under the Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule 1999." "GI Note 1 - No requirement for an interim ruling as the following statement exists in the standard – Any new, amended or replacement Acts, regulations, standards, codes of practice, guidelines, or authority requirements or conditions affecting this unit standard will take precedence for assessment purposes, pending review of this unit standard. NZQA requires References to publications should use a recognised convention and include the author, title, publisher and date of publication, as minimum information, and must be accessible (in the public domain) to learners, assessors and providers. GI Note 2 - Should be read as - reference to intended primarily for use by driver educators seeking qualification as Facilitators for Waka Kotahi approved Courses of Advanced Instruction for driver licence classes 1 and 6. Since it leads to an understanding of how to bring about changes to driver behaviour, is replaced by ‘one of the unit standards required for candidates looking to obtain working towards a driving instructor (I) endorsement." Mar-25 To be updated on standard review.