Defining Quality Employment for Māori and Pacific Peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand March 11th, 2025 In collaboration with Auckland Council, Hanga-Aro-Rau completed a nationwide roadshow to introduce the Uptempo Good Employer Matrix to businesses and industries eager to empower and grow their Māori and Pacific workforces. The Good Employer Matrix (GEM), developed by Uptempo and released in 2024, is an evidence-based tool that aims to see more Māori and Pacific peoples progress into senior, well-paid, resilient jobs, providing employers with the tools, knowledge and resources needed to make this happen. By using the Matrix, organisations can assess performance against the indicators in creating equitable outcomes and then identify areas for improvement. This mahi closely aligns with the commitment of Hanga-Aro-Rau to support Māori into higher-paid jobs, enhance skills, and create better employment opportunities. Over the course of the two-week GEM roadshow, Hanga-Aro-Rau hosted workshops across seven regions of the motu and engaged 45 key stakeholders in the manufacturing, engineering and logistics industries we support, including iwi, Pacific community providers, training providers, Māori and Pacific business networks, local and central Government agencies, and employers of all sizes. The workshops highlighted the growing demand for industry tools and support to enable, retain, and expand Māori and Pacific workforces, with strong interest in the GEM as a practical solution for shaping workforce development strategies. The demand for tools like the GEM is clear. Our industries and stakeholders are asking for support and practical tools to help unlock the full potential of Māori and Pacific workforces, and Hanga-Aro-Rau is ready and eager to lead the way. The GEM Roadshow showed the demand for tools such as this around the motu.