Stage 6: These qualifications have been submitted to NZQA for evaluation.
The following qualifications are under review:
2931: New Zealand Certificate in Mining and Quarrying (Level 2)
2786: New Zealand Certificate in Underground Mining (Level 3)
2785: New Zealand Certificate in Surface Mining and Quarrying (Level 3)
2783: New Zealand Certificate in Mining and Quarrying (First Line Supervision) (Level 4)
2424: New Zealand Certificate in Blasting (Level 4)
2784: New Zealand Certificate in Mines Rescue (Level 4)
2787: New Zealand Diploma in Mining and Quarrying (Supervision) (Level 5)
2788: New Zealand Diploma in Mining and Quarrying Management (Level 6)
3166: New Zealand Certificate in Mine Surveying (Level 6)
Stage 8: A Request For Information (RFI) has been provided by NZQA to Hanga-Aro-Rau. We are currently responding to this RFI.
8905: Demonstrate knowledge of construction and maintenance of working surfaces at an extractive site
16686: Conduct an incident investigation at an extractive site
17743: Demonstrate knowledge of survey principles and apply to an extraction site
21155: Demonstrate knowledge of the management and use of water at an extractive site
21629: Evaluate plans to manage old workings and inundations at extractive sites
21661: Demonstrate knowledge of the use of electrical reticulation plant and equipment in extractive operations
23648: Demonstrate knowledge of and follow safe working practices at an extractive site
28739: Establish and maintain risk management systems at an extractive site
28740: Establish and maintain the work, health and safety (WHS) management system at an extractive site
28983: Carry out the risk management process at an extractive site
29087: Survey and produce statutory mine plans
31091: Operate and maintain stockpiles and tip heads at extractive sites
31761: Demonstrate knowledge of assessing, monitoring, and controlling risks to worker health in the extractive industries
31762: Demonstrate knowledge of worker health in the extractive industries
32283: Explain hazards and controls associated with stockpiling and tip heads at extractive sites
32284: Follow, maintain and recommend modifications for stockpiling and tip head management plans at an extractive site
15663: Demonstrate knowledge of the geotechnical requirements for ground stability at surface extraction sites
15664: Demonstrate introductory knowledge of geology at surface extraction sites
15665: Demonstrate knowledge of geology and geotechnical features and failures for surface extraction
17741: Demonstrate specialist underground survey techniques
Stage 4: These standards are currently with stakeholders for feedback.
Workplace Inspections (Certificate of Competence)
8902: Prepare a safety inspection plan for extractive operations
28793: Conduct safety inspections for extractive operations
7143: Inspect and report on safety and operations at an extractive site
Risk Management (Certificate of Competence)
28742: Explain legislation related to health and safety, and supporting documents, applicable to an extractive site
28982: Develop standard operating procedures for an extractive site
7142: Demonstrate knowledge of the application of regulatory requirements to manage an extractive site
Explosives (Certificate of Competence)
21152: Demonstrate and apply knowledge of storing explosives for use
17694: Demonstrate knowledge of explosives and their properties
Underground/ Mining Operations (Certificate of Competence)
7146: Demonstrate basic knowledge and ability required to work in an underground operation
15669: Demonstrate knowledge of tunnelling methods, and selection of plant and equipment for tunnelling
17691: Use mathematics to solve problems in an extractive industries workplace
17744: Read and interpret extractive site plans
21156: Demonstrate knowledge of planning and managing extraction to minimise environmental impacts
22057: Demonstrate knowledge of pneumatic and hydraulic power systems used in extractive operations
30903: Demonstrate knowledge of mining methods, and analyse and select plant for metalliferous underground extraction
Ventilation (Certificate of Competence)
30900: Test for gases, interpret findings, and demonstrate knowledge of follow-up actions in a non-coal underground operation
30898: Design and maintain effective ventilation systems for a non-coal underground operation
30899: Describe, develop, and maintain basic ventilation systems for a non-coal underground operation
7145: Design and maintain effective ventilation systems for an underground coal mine
21280: Demonstrate knowledge and evaluate the design of an effective ventilation system in an underground mine
21281: Test for gases, interpret findings, and demonstrate knowledge of follow-up actions in an underground coal mine
Stage 3: New or new versions of these standards are being created.
Ground Stability (Certificate of Compliance)
15666: Demonstrate knowledge of geology for underground extraction
21278: Describe, install, and reassess support systems for an underground operation
15662: Evaluate ground conditions and support methods for maintaining stability in underground operations
Stage 3: New or new versions of these micro-credentials are being created.
The following micro-credentials are being developed:
Stay informed about the latest updates and developments regarding the Ports qualification and standards review. Your involvement is crucial as we shape the future of our industry.
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