
Programme Endorsement

Requesting Workforce Development Councils' support for programmes

If you are developing a programme that leads to a qualification listed on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF), the Education and Training Act requires you to get the programme approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).

Prior to submitting your programme to NZQA, a WDC’s endorsement is required for qualifications under our coverage.

If you are interested in delivering a programme, you also need to be accredited as a provider of that programme. More information on programme approval and accreditation is available on NZQA’s website here.

Our role in programme approval

Please kōrero with us while you are developing your programme so we can tohu (advise) you of any new rules, regulations, specifications or conditions since the qualification was listed. You can also find programme guidance information for some of our qualifications here.

Once you have finalised your programme, before you seek approval from NZQA, you will need our endorsement.

WDC endorsement considerations

The Hanga-Aro-Rau tīma is committed to providing guidance for providers to develop and gain approval for high quality programmes. WDC considerations for programme endorsement differ from NZQA approval criteria and look to meet both industry and learner vocational education and training needs, while also contributing to an education system that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and supports Māori-Crown relations.

We focus on six considerations:

  • Programme content
  • Equity for learners
  • Programme engagement and consultation
  • Te ao Māori
  • Pacific languages and learners
  • Tāngata whaikaha – disabled people

Read the full details of these considerations.

Endorsement requirements

As part of the NZQA programme approval process for new programmes and Type Two changes, you need to supply a letter of endorsement from the relevant WDC.

Type One changes do NOT require a letter of endorsement.

The differences between Type One and Type Two

Requesting programme endorsement

New programme endorsement

If you need endorsement for a NEW programme, please complete new programme endorsement form, which requires details about the rationale of the programme and how all six considerations have been addressed.

We may require further evidence from you to satisfy some of our considerations. Once we are satisfied the proposed programme meets all the considerations, we will issue a letter of endorsement to submit to NZQA alongside the approval application. This letter will be valid for six months. 

Please email us at [email protected] with the following information to request our endorsement for your NEW programme: 

  • A completed new programme endorsement form. 
  • A copy of your proposed programme. 
  • An overview of industry and/or community input into the programme development, e.g. advisory group composition and process. 
  • A programme overview (delivery of practicum/theory, assessment and moderation approach). 
  • An outline of the resources required to deliver the programme. 
  • Evidence that any guidance in the qualification document has been considered when developing the programme. 

We may require further evidence from you to satisfy some of our considerations. Once we are satisfied the proposed programme meets all the considerations, we will issue a letter of endorsement to submit to NZQA alongside the approval application. This letter will be valid for six months. 

Type One endorsement

Type One changes do not require WDC endorsement.

Type Two endorsement 

If your endorsement relates to an already established programme with a Type Two change, please complete the Type Two endorsement form, which requires details of the proposed change and how any impact on the considerations has been addressed.

Please email us at [email protected] with the following information to request our endorsement for your Type Two change to an approved programme:

We may require further evidence from you to satisfy some of our considerations. Once we are satisfied the proposed programme meets all the considerations, we will issue a letter of endorsement to submit to NZQA alongside the approval application. This letter will be valid for six months. 

There is no fee for us to review and provide endorsement for your proposed programme or for Type Two changes. 

Please allow 20 working days for us to process your request for programme endorsement.