
Māori Workforce Development

Whanake Māori

He pūkenga tāngata, he pikinga taumata hei oranga mahi

More Māori with higher skills, in higher paid jobs and improved employment opportunities

The Māori workforce holds significant untapped potential, particularly with demographic trends showing a growing and younger Māori population. However, there are challenges that need to be addressed, including awareness gaps, lack of workplace diversity, and skill shortages. 

Addressing these challenges will mean concerted efforts to support Māori youth in education and foster a strong work ethic within communities. While government initiatives focus on foundational skills, industries must also understand and cater to the needs of the evolving Māori workforce. 

Growing Māori workforce

As the demographics of the labour force evolve, Hanga-Aro-Rau is committed to advocating for industries to adapt and prepare for this shift, ensuring readiness to harness the opportunities presented by a burgeoning Māori workforce. This workforce is projected to grow by almost 54,000 by 2028 and more than 100,000 by 2033.



2023 Māori labour force


Projected 2028 Māori labour force

Mahere Whanake Māori Plan

Hanga-Aro-Rau is spearheading the Mahere Whanake Māori/ Māori Workforce Development Plan to increase productivity, leading to prosperity in our sectors. We are guided by:

Our goal: He pūkenga tāngata, he pikinga taumata hei oranga mahiMore Māori with higher skills, in higher paid jobs and improved employment opportunities. 

Our approach: Collaborate to create the conditions for impactful change.  

Our whakataukī / proverb: Mā tāu rourou, mā tāku rourou, ka ora ai te iwiFrom your food basket and from my food basket, the people will be sustained. This encapsulates our approach, highlighting the collective effort required for the well-being of the community.

You can read our Mahere Whanake Māori Plan soon!

Meet our Whanake Māori team

The Whanake Māori team has an over-arching responsibility to ensure Hanga-Aro-Rau gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and supports Māori Crown relations. The objective of the team is described in our goal for Māori Workforce Development:

He pūkenga tāngata, he pikinga taumata hei oranga mahi – More Māori with higher skills, in higher paid jobs and improved employment opportunities.

Please contact any of our team if you have any thoughts on how we can help improve outcomes for Māori industry and workers across the manufacturing, engineering and logistics sectors.

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